Register Today for NSI IMPACT ’24 // April 29 – May 1 // Chantilly, Virginia // Westfields Marriott
A Powerful Tool in the Hands of Today's Multi-Tasking FSO
Make NISPOM Compliance Smoother and Easier
Protect Classified Information and CUI
Protect All Your Organization's Valuable Assets
Create Security Engagement With Cleared and Uncleared
Look Below for Best Practices to Create Security Engagement
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Security Connection Is A Game-Changer For Your Program
Solve Your Awareness Training Problem and Transform Your Program
Now you can shift your security awareness program into high gear with NSI’s Security Connection – a game-changing, quarterly awareness service designed to up-level your security outreach.
It’s an investment you’ll never regret, one that could be worth hundreds of thousands, even millions of dollars to your organization by ensuring your facility’s clearance isn’t jeopardized by preventable security incidents and lax employee behavior.
“We subscribe to NSI’s Security Connection because it educates our employees on numerous security awareness topics critical to creating a strong security culture. Not only do the employees learn something new; but so does the security staff. Utilizing the Security Connection has also helped free up time to work on other requirements.” – Holly Reynolds, FSO, Trident Systems
I received this comment from an employee that receives our Security Connection: “I’ve spend four decades complying with government and contractor “click-and-read-to -comply” training that seems to just check somebody’s block. But I must say, for the very first time, I find myself wanting more! The articles are concise, broken down into to easily reviewable content that pairs timely news on actual threat incidents giving me some personal ownership and interest in thwarting such attacks. It is presented in an eye-catching format and, most importantly, the article encapsulates a wide range of security threats pervasive in today’s work AND home life. For the first time in four decades, I find myself saying, “I look forward to clicking on next quarter’s content!” – Kyle Mckay, FSO, FlightSafety
One & Done Isn’t Good Enough
You checked the security awareness requirement box for NISPOM. You’re all set, right? Not so fast! Your employees need more than posters and slogans if you want them to take security seriously. They need a consistent outreach of relatable, concise and informative content.
We all know that the “one and done” approach to awareness doesn’t work, yet many organizations still do it because expanding the security awareness program is too daunting or time-consuming. It doesn’t have to be if you have the Security Connection in your corner.
NISPOM Relevant Content That Educates
NISPOM Content
NISPOM-relevant content is foundational to every quarterly issue of the Security Connection.
Here’s a sampling of recent headlines representing a variety of article lengths, formats and styles found in every issue of the Security Connection:
- Spies and Hackers Targeting Space Industry
- Mental Health Stigma Persists in Clearance Process
- Insider Threats & Where to Find Them
- DoE Insider Threat Mishandling Classified Information
- Russian Spies in U.S.
- Pentagon Tightens Access to Classified Info
- Contractors Targeted
- Intel Chiefs Issue Joint Warning on Chinese Spying
- Insider Threat: State Dept. Uncovers Mole
- Watch Out for a “Typo” Breach
- Aging as a Security Threat?
- China Has Had a Spy Base in Cuba Since 2019
- Cyber Espionage
- DoD Acronyms: How Many Do You Know?
- Trade Secrets Theft
- 3 Things That Could Cost You Your Security Clearance
- Pentagon Leak Shines Spotlight On Changing Nature of Insider Threats
- China is Recruiting
- U.S. Agencies Hacked in a Global Cyberattack
- Q&A: What Threat Actors Are Looking For
- Illicit Technology Exports
- Insider Risk: 1 in 10 Employees Leaks Sensitive Data Every 6 Months
- Ex-NSA Worker Charged
- DoD TikTok Ban
- You Shouldn’t Put Your Clearance on LinkedIn
- China Tops List of Threats to U.S. In Annual Intel Assessment
- Employees Leak Sensitive Data Using ChatGPT
- And more..

Relatable Content That Supports Your Message
Relatable Content
The people in your program are busy. The need reasons to care about security. Make security issues (and your message!) relatable with articles and helpful tips that apply to home life.
Here’s a sampling of recent headlines representing a variety of article lengths, formats and styles found in every issue of the Security Connection:
- Beware Trojan Horse Smartwatches
- AI Makes Voice Scams Easier
- 7 Ways to Protect Your Home Before Vacation
- Understanding ‘Smart Home’ Security Risks
- Don’t Fall for Social Security Vishbait
- FBI Says $10B Lost to Online Fraud & Scams
- Tech Support Scammers Claim More Victims in 2023
- TSA Shares Tips for Summer Travelers
- Data Breaches Near All Time Record High
- 40% of Consumers Suffer Personal Data Theft
- 4 Ways to Spot Charity Donation Scams
- Creating a Codeword is Key to Your Family’s Safety
- Scams Targeting the Elderly
- And more…
Weak Security Engagement Creates Financial Risk
Security Connection Protects More Than Classified Information
Failed security awareness and weak security-engagement presents a serious risk to your company’s financial health. What’s the cost of losing contracts, intellectual property, strategically important data, competitive edge, your company’s overall reputation?
When you drive down the security risk of unaware, disengaged employees and you drive down the company’s risk of disastrous financial consequences. The Security Connection is like an insurance policy in the way it limits potential damages. Let your boss know that!
Content That Improves the Security Practices of Everyone
Fundamentals Content
Reinforcement of security fundamentals may not be the most exciting content, but set within our NISPOM and personally relatable security content these tips and reminders take on a new light.
Here’s a sampling of recent headlines representing a variety of article lengths, formats and styles found in every issue of the Security Connection:
- Human Error Continues to Play Role in Most Breaches
- Phishing Alerts You Need to Know About
- 6 Ways Remote Workers Stay Cyber-Safe
- Social Engineering: By the Numbers
- 18 Ways to Spring-Clean Your Security
- Security Reminder: Lock Your Screen
- 13 Ways You Can Avoid Being the Weak Link in Security
- Working from Home? 6 Security Tips
- Top 4 Tips to Avoid Phishing Scams
- Workers Use Unsafe Apps
- C-Suite Represents a Top Risk
- Cyber Threat from USB Charging Stations
- And more..
Failed Security Awareness Comes With a High Cost
Business Depends on a Security-Engaged Workforce
Failed security awareness and weak security-engagement is guaranteed to put your facility clearance in jeopardy. Stay out in front of trouble by running a consistent outreach that engages and educates cleared and uncleared personnel alike.
Have you considered what else is vulnerable to failed security awareness and weak security-engagement? Every single person in your organization is an access point into everything you’re protecting: intellectual property, business plans, customer data, networks and your company’s reputation!
My company has been receiving Security Connection for many years. The content focuses on helping employees understand current risk in the US, world, and tips to identify insider threats. The quarterly issues exceeds the NISPOM compliance requirement and focuses on keeping security in front of the readers. A big plus, it also focusses on security at home and keeping our personal life safe. I highly recommend adding Security Connection to your security program. I received this comment from an employee that receives our Security Connection: “I’ve spend four decades complying with government and contractor “click-and-read-to -comply” training that seems to just check somebody’s block. But I must say, for the very first time, I find myself wanting more! The articles are concise, broken down into to easily reviewable content that pairs timely news on actual threat incidents giving me some personal ownership and interest in thwarting such attacks. It is presented in an eye-catching format and, most importantly, the article encapsulates a wide range of security threats pervasive in today’s work AND home life. For the first time in four decades, I find myself saying, “I look forward to clicking on next quarter’s content!” – Kyle Mckay, FSO, FlightSafety