Get Your Employees to Be Part of the Solution
Some of our subscribers:
Western Farmers Electric Cooperative
Endeavour Energy
ISO New England
Tampa Electric Company
Central Hudson Gas & Electric
Tri State G&T
Umatilla Electric Co-op
Pacific Gas & Electric
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Central Maine Power Company
Virginia Electric and Power
Bahamas Electricity Corp
Keyspan Energy
Minnesota Power
Indianapolis Power and Light

Put SecuritySense to
Work for You Today!
Keeping Your Organization Safe from Cyberattack Means You Need Employees to Do Their Part
An amazing 99% of security breaches are the result of criminals targeting and exploiting human beings for a way into computer networks.
That’s why every cybersecurity expert recommends you have an ongoing education program that teaches everyone in your organization to spot the tricks and avoid the traps set by cybercriminals.

SecuritySense is an amazingly effective cybersecurity awareness newsletter that doesn’t bore your employees. It gets them to pay attention to cybersecurity issues and helps shape the regular habits that will protect your organization from cybercriminals.
- Very easy to implement. Simply share the newsletter.
- People like it because it not only addresses work related cybersecurity but it also helps them protect themselves
- Everyone will read it because the micro-training articles are short, non-technical and written with a friendly voice
- Meets your regulatory requirement to have an ongoing program that reinforces cybersecurity training (NERC CIP 004-6 R1)