A Continuous Marketing Campaign Supports Every One of Your Objectives

Security Awareness Pros Leverage SecuritySense to Market Their Program Consistently & Continuously
Whether you use our formatted digital newsletter or cut and paste the text version into your own communication vehicles, the continuous supply of content will empower you to be consistent and engaging with your security awareness marketing campaign.
Our content strategy makes SecuritySense a strong and effective reinforcement of your larger training and education program. Your ability to be an outstanding marketer of security awareness will go to a whole new level.
- Drive ROI on Your Training Spend
- Position Yourself as a Trusted Advisor
- Make Communications Execution Faster and Easier
- Create Genuine Engagement
Drive Up the ROI on Your Training Spend By Getting Your Employees to See Things Differently

Your company’s investment in security awareness training is smart and necessary. Even so, the challenge is that training is actually “extra work” and folks can’t help but see it as just another task to complete. How do you get them to see things differently?
The way SecuritySense drives up the return on all your training investment is by empowering you to make a more personal connection with your employees, one that you can keep up continuously in between trainings. This engaging marketing campaign supports and reinforces the principles and concepts taught in your more expensive training and education programs. And it does so strategically and for just pennies per employee.
SecuritySense is an inexpensive and highly effective method for promoting your security awareness message in a way that gets your audience to engage with you at the same time it takes some of the workload off of your shoulders. There are 6 different strategies built into SecuritySense: Checkout #4 our Micro training strategy which supports your program goals and drives home everything you teach.

Position Yourself as a Trusted Advisor
The most effective strategy for getting people to pay closer attention to security messaging is to show them how it impacts their own lives and teach them how to protect themselves. “What’s in it for me?” is SecuritySense strategy #1. It accomplishes 3 things for you:
- Engagement: People pay much more attention to messages that they feel are personally relevant to them
- Awareness Insight: Learning about "personal" security threats increases your employees' overall awareness of security threats to the company: How they work - Why they matter - What to do
- How They See You: As the source of such helpful and useful information, you are seen as a trusted advisor. This view of your role will impact your entire program
Marketing Content to Promote Your Message & Reinforce Your Program
Customers tell us all the time how much the people in their program look forward to receiving SecuritySense. See what they have to say…
12 Kinds of Articles
To keep your security awareness marketing fresh and appeal to all the different types of people in your program, we’ve developed over a dozen types of articles that we mix into every issue. See strategy #2
Security Topics Coverage
Authentication Brute Force Business Email Compromise BYOD Secure & Insecure Connections Dark Web Data Breaches Download Risks Driveby Downloads Cloud Security Credentials Safety Fraud Malware Home Office MFA Mobile Devices Impersonation Industry Spotlights Insider Threats Offline Threats Passwords Phishing Physical Devices Physical Security Public WiFi Ransomware Removable Devices Scams Shoulder Surfing Social Engineering Social Media Spearphising Spoofing Threat Actors Video Conferences Vishing Working Remotely and more…
A Breeze to Read
The voice of every article is casual and friendly. No one feels like they are in school or doing “extra work” when they read a SecuritySense story. You’ll build trust with your audience that the articles don’t take a long time to read and they haven’t wasted their time. See strategy #3
Every SecuritySense Article is Working for You
We’ve spent years optimizing a comprehensive and integrated content strategy designed to deliver you a marketing communications program that engages everyone in your program.
Each article employs multiple aspects of our content strategy in order to create engagement. To give you an idea here’s a couple examples of strategy applied to an individual article:
The Strategy Behind This One
Without getting overly technical, show them the big picture and help them see their part in it – for bad and good, mostly for good
The Strategy Behind This One
Promise and deliver on quick reads that get to the point. Once they know that the articles are not a time-sink they’ll come back again
The Strategy Behind This One
Mix personal content in with business focused content to get employees more engaged with your newsletter – and keep them listening to you
SecuritySense Makes Your Job Easier

20 Articles in 3 Formats
SecuritySense is delivered straight to your inbox on the first of each month:
- Text in a Word doc - with images provided for each article
- Html code - with images
- A fully formatted PDF newsletter - easily customizable if you want
Increase Your Productivity
You have a lot to get done. Let us help make your communication program automatic
- Less time looking for content
- Less time writing content
- Less time formatting content
- Less time looking for images
If time has held you back, now you have plenty of content for a robust communications plan
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