After 30+ years as a

After 30+ years as a security professional in both industry and government organizations, I attended my first IMPACT Conference in 2023. As with many conferences...

I had the opportunity to

I had the opportunity to attend the NSI Impact on two separate occasions. If you have the opportunity to attend, please do so. The knowledge...

Extremely powerful from start to

Extremely powerful from start to finish. The NSI Impact security forum runs like a well oiled machine. Always on schedule and presents extremely relevant topics...

NSI’s Impact seminar is the

NSI’s Impact seminar is the perfect security forum for security professionals. It does not matter if you’re industry or government, junior, mid-level or C suite....

Outstanding! Kudos to all

Outstanding! Kudos to all presenters and staff. The materials distributed will be very beneficial in enhancing my organization’s security program.

This conference met all my

This conference met all my needs. Several speakers provided eye opening information. I’m looking forward to attending again next year.

The speakers were excellent and

The speakers were excellent and really conveyed their knowledge effectively. Great topics with just the right amount of time for each. Can’t wait till next...